Milford Taxi and Livery is located in Milford Massachusetts and our staff is very familiar with the areas in and around Milford as well as all the surrounding towns of Bellingham, Hopkinton, Upton, Holliston, Medway, Franklin, Wrentham as well as the whole 495 belt. From Worcester to Boston or any stop in between or all the way to Rhode Island the areas are all well known by our drivers. Our advanced GPS system will locate any remote destination as well.
Our specialty is Service. Simply. Prompt, affordable and reliable transportation service. Locally and to your specific destination; airport, hotel, meeting, appointment. Event or celebration.
Any popular destination has a set rate and fair quotes for service are given upon request, sit back relax and rely on our superior service.
We operate new well-maintained livery style sedans. great value, quality and service from your local Taxi Company.
Call us for your next trip (508) 478-6008
Major credit cards accepted.